
Toast your Inbox.

Need inbound email?

  • Quickly issues requests for a ton of email.
  • Never have an empty inbox.

sMoreMail is for you.

  • Web Based. Nothing to install.
  • sMoreMail is free. No sign up or login required.

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full email inbox

If cats or their prey reviewed sMoreMail, they might meow:

User Review 1I was told 97% of cats are very satisfied with sMoreMail. Only 42% of those cats are unable to find their litter box. What was the question?Larissa

User Review 2I sure am glad I have 18 years of purring so I'm allowed to use sMoreMail according to the terms of use.Patricia

User Review 3sMoreMail was the solution to my empty inbox. Used it for 5 hours 2 years ago, and I still get 100 email a day past my spam filter.Fickles

User Review 4Good thing I created an email address just for sMoreMail. It sure did fill up quick! Now pet me human!Anna Labelle tubs

Loved by... Market Researchers, Spam Filters, and empty email inbox or litterboxes ...anyone that wants more email!
ProTip: Click on 'more cats' above to see if ultraRare will join the party!